The Gaunt Summoner


Yo! Here is the second Changecaster that I painted for my daemons army- The Gaunt Summoner from Silver Tower. This guy taught me a bunch of lessons. I really wanted to push myself and the main technique that I worked on here was wet blending.

My first attempt at the cloak really showed all of the practice I had done wet blending the flamers and I was really stoked (the penultimate photo). I then made a huge mistake once I finished the blend- covering it with an extremely inconsistent shade.... This completely ruined the smoothness without chance of an easy fix.

This was a ultimately a great thing because I immediately tried again and in another hour or so achieved another good blend in a little less time. The best lesson learned was that it's okay to fail because we can repaint our mistakes. Just a few extra layers of paint.

I also repainted the feathers 100 times and still am not entirely satisfied with them but I was definitely running out of gas on this project and needed to call it done.

Thanks for lookin' and thanks for reading if you got this far.

